One of the most exciting things about San Diego real estate is the diversity that you can see in the houses. Traveling from neighborhood to neighborhood, you will eventually see everything from 19th century Victorians to mid century modern houses.

Although the style of homes in the 21st century has yet to take on a theme of its own life, one thing the new millennium has brought homeowners is innovations in smart home technology. Houses have gone from being standard dwellings to being filled with thinking machines that make the lives of modern homeowners simpler than ever.

From smart devices to automated amenities, these are some of the most innovative features you can look for in modern homes.

Self-Adjusting Thermostats

In early 1900s, modern…

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Title insurance is one of those things, like most insurance plans, that you most certainly don’t need, that is until you actually need it.

Whether or not it is actually necessary to purchase is a question that is constantly posed to San Diego real estate agents. While it seems like a yes or no question, the answer isn’t as easy as that.

What Exactly is Title Insurance?

Title insurance protects you in the event that a lien or any type of property rights claim is brought against you on the basis of your ownership of a house.

You may have followed all the procedures required by law to acquire your house, but if the person who sold it to you did not have the right to do so, then your purchase of the house wasn’t entirely legal.

For Example

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As we head into the holiday season and towards the end of another year, the overall state of the San Diego real estate market it looking quite well.

Although San Diego housing is currently being outperformed by other large California cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles, the growth of the city’s real estate market is keeping pace with that of the country’s overall market, and there is plenty to look forward to over the course of the coming year.

Housing Prices Decreased Slightly

After rising slightly in August by 0.3 percent, the average price of San Diego homes dipped in September, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.

Although median home prices fell by one percent to 460,000 dollars, David Blitzer, managing director of the index…

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