When looking for open houses in San Diego, how closely are you actually looking at the neighborhood as you drive through it? Most people don’t really know what to look for in a new neighborhood, so they tend to focus too much on the house and not its surroundings.

As real estate agents, we see this all the time. Our clients consistently name countless features that they want in a house, but they know very little of what they actually want in a neighborhood.

Know What You Can Change

One thing that all house seekers should know is that you can change a house (to a certain extent), but you can’t change the neighborhood. You can change the color of a room, redo bathrooms and kitchens and add other features down the line, but unless you plan on…

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At the end of every year, we always get a lot of questions about what we can expect from the San Diego real estate market in the coming year. It’s something that is not too hard to predict, and with a bit of research, you can always get a handle on what will happen with home prices, the market and more.

One of the best tools you can use to check on current home prices is the MLS San Diego. It keeps track of houses that are being sold all throughout the San Diego area. It won’t predict what home prices will be in the coming months, but that’s our job as the real estate experts.

And now that it's 2016, we have formulated some educated predictions as to what you can expect from San Diego real estate in 2016.

Fact: The Federal Reserve is Hiking…

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