About 907 Elder 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Final Map for 7 lots recorded. Site may qualify for Density Bonus up to 13 lots. APNs 105-811-59,60,61,62,63,64,65-00. Owner ma y carry. The subject property is a 7 lot subdivision of single family residential lots on a total of 1.64 acres. (Final Recorded Map No. 14977). Net lot size range is 6,200 to 7,500 square feet. Subject property is eligible for a density bonus and a 13 lot Tentative Map 5493 was previously submitted. Initial Improvement cost estimate (January 2011) was $333,331 or $47,619 / lot. Additional fees estimated to be $278,166 or $39,738 at lot total per lot is $87,357.