There’s a lot of mystery involved with buying a previously owned home. Even more so than, say, buying a used car. Even with thorough inspections, surprises could await. Maintenance could have been poorly done. A previous repair job might have looked nice when it was completed, but it’s actually on the verge of falling apart. Things like mold or foundation cracks could be hiding. 

To remove some of this mystery, many home buyers turn to purchasing a newly constructed home. What’s so great about a brand new home? Many things. 

Fewer Surprises, Repairs, and Maintenance 

Unlike a previously owned home, you generally know exactly what you’ll get with a new home. Just like with buying a car, it’s very unlikely something will suddenly break or malfunction. Nothing will need to be replaced for a long while. 

With a new home, you’re buying peace of mind. 

The Warranty 

And should something go wrong, your new home likely comes with a warranty (once again, not so different from a brand new car). Even with the best craftsmanship, things go wrong sometimes. That’s where the warranty comes into play. 

The Latest in Safety and Code Standards 

Remember how homes used to feature things like asbestosis and lead-based paint? Thanks to updated safety codes, those materials can no longer be used in home construction. There are many more safety updates to home building you’re probably not familiar with. New homes have to follow the latest codes, meaning you have the safest home possible. 

New Style, Modern Amenities 

Older homes can be great, but they’ll likely require some renovation to make them livable. With a new home, you’ll find open spaces, larger bathroom, kitchen islands, usable closet space, and more. 

In addition, you can expect to find modern technology build into the foundation from better flowing A/C to built-in internet ports to alarm systems and more. 


Depending on what stage you find and decide to purchase your brand new home, you may get some say in how it’s actually built and designed, leaving you little to no work when you move in. 

Ready to Start Shopping? 

Looking for some new home open houses in San Diego? We’re here to help you find the perfect home, whether it’s brand new or finely aged. Contact us today. 

Posted by Jason Coriano on
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