When you have worked in San Diego property management long enough, you will come to realize that there is a lot of misinformation floating around about the industry.
Many people who own one or more rental properties often consider hiring a property manager, so they set out to gather as much information on the topic as possible. While this is a wise decision, it is important to weed out the myths from the truth.
These are just a few of the most common misconceptions that we have heard from clients.
Hiring a property manager means relinquishing control
You started managing properties because you wanted to be out on your own. You wanted to have a business to run by yourself, so why should you relinquish that control to a third party?
It’s would be a legitimate point if property managers actually controlled the properties that they oversea. However, this is categorically untrue.
Property managers do not own buildings any more than hotel managers own the hotels in which they work. We are merely here to assist building owners with running the property.
If you own a series of condos that has an association in charge, even they still maintain control over setting the rules for the building. Property managers don’t make the rules for the buildings they oversea, we only make sure that they are properly enforced.
Hiring a property manager will just drain my profits
Like hiring any service, or employee for that matter, hiring a property manager costs money. The cost, however, is not a fifty percent share of your net profits.
Not even close.
Property managers only take a small portion of the rents collected, and in return you get a competent company to manage the myriad of tasks that come with owning and renting a property.
Many of these tasks include:
- Marketing
- Screening potential tenants
- Finances
- Legal advice
- Maintenance
- Conflict resolution
- Inspections
- Among others
Hiring a property manager will only complicate things
Yes, you are adding another layer to the business that you own, but that doesn’t mean it will complicate things.
The very reason for our existence is to make things simpler for building owners like you. There is only one scenario in the world where a building owner like you shouldn’t consider hiring a property manager: you have the world’s most amazing tenants who always pay rent on time, never have any issues or complaints and live in a building where nothing ever breaks, becomes dirty or needs to be replaced.
Manage your properties without worrying about the little things
Do you remember why you got into owning and renting properties? It probably wasn’t to clean hallways and chase down tenants for overdue rent.
At Metro San Diego Realty, we will help you market your property to bring in more tenants, screen those tenants to ensure that they are the best clients for you, then make sure those tenants are more than happy to continue signing leases year after year.
Meanwhile, you can get back to being the business owner that you wanted to be. Call today to get started.
Posted by Jason Coriano on
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